The Lord gave us a vision that we’ll never forget—a seed planted in fertile soil, representing each of us. This vision was tied to the profound promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14:"If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
In the vision, the seed lay dormant, encased in a hard shell. It looked lifeless, much like a heart that resists God’s touch. But then came the living water, representing repentance, prayer, and humility. As the water seeped in, the shell began to soften, and life stirred within the seed.
This was a picture of God’s promise at work—He hears, He forgives, and He brings healing when we humble ourselves and seek Him.
Roots in His Word
As the seed absorbed the water, it began to grow roots. These roots reached deep into the soil, drawing nourishment and stability. Without roots, the plant couldn’t survive. This reminded us of the importance of rooting ourselves in God’s Word and truth. It’s in these unseen, quiet places that we find strength and grow closer to Him.
Reaching for His Light
Above the soil, a delicate shoot emerged, fragile yet determined. It stretched toward the light, seeking the warmth and life it provided. The Lord showed us this as a reflection of His people—turning away from darkness and sin, reaching toward His presence.
The growth of the shoot reminded us of a process called photomorphogenesis—a plant’s transformation shaped by the light it receives. Just as a plant needs light to grow and thrive, we are transformed by the light of God’s glory, forgiveness, and healing.
Bearing Fruit for His Glory
As the plant matured, its leaves stretched wide, absorbing the light and producing fruit. This was the fulfillment of God’s promise: a healed land, a flourishing people, and lives that radiate His glory. The Lord whispered to our hearts:
"Just as the seed must yield to the water and light, so must My people yield to Me. Humble yourselves, seek Me, turn from your wicked ways, and I will bring forth life, healing, and abundance."
The Call and the Promise
This vision is both a call and a promise. It’s a reminder that true healing begins in humility—in choosing to surrender, seek His face, and turn from anything that separates us from Him. It’s in those quiet, unseen moments that God begins to move, breaking open the hard shells of our hearts, planting new life, and transforming us by His Spirit.
We will never be the same!
Reflection: What areas of your life need to yield to His water and light? Take a moment today to humble yourself, seek Him, and trust His promise to bring forth life, healing, and abundance.
Let this vision be a reminder: no matter how dormant or hardened we feel, God’s living water can stir new life within us. Are you ready to grow?
2 Chronicles 7:14. I do believe that this scripture is what we as His people are to stand on, meditate on it and listen for what God is saying to each one of us regarding this passage of scripture. At the beginning of 01/2024, the Lord commanded me to put a sign in my yard with this scripture. I was literally sitting in the parking lot of a Walmart, scrolling through my phone and I came across this yard sign. It also had the words in big letters “ Pray for America” and the scripture in red. It’s been in my yard ever since and will stay there less the Lord tells me to remove. He wants to bless us…